
2nd November 2005

Went to Mount Mulanje and the Zomba Plateau each for a night and then returned to Lake Malawi for a few days at Palm Beach and then at two other places further up the lake on the way to Tanzania. We were sad to leave Palm Beach having learned so much about Malawi from people there especially Sumanie. Without doubt the Malawians must be the friendliest people in Africa always keen to say hello. They are understandably proud of the hard won education they have received, only primary education is free. In Africa people stay in education for a long time (school days are much shorter). It is not unusual for them to be almost 30 by the time they complete a University degree.

Also visited the Nyika Plateau, an extraordinary landscape at 8,000 feet (hence a bit cooler than the Lakeside!) with bracken and wild flowers. There are some Roan Antelope and Eland here, Leopard are spotted rarely. We saw a large spotted Hyena here who insisted on posing for photos! The landscape is rolling hills and is managed by regular burning.